Cheena by Ch Redskyes Full Moon Rising, JC - whelped November 28, 2014
BIF FC Orangewoods Havana Moon SC CGC BCAT
Ava lives with us here in North Carolina. She passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen test at the RRCUS National Specialty in Portland, Oregon. Ava loves to run so we will get her on the field here and there. Besides lure coursing, we will also pursue Rally obedience. Field news: last weekend of coursing 2017 Ava wins Best of Breed and goes on to win Best in Field!
Ava @ Liberty Station trying out the kayak
Ava getting her Best In Field award
MBIF DC Orangewoods The Sun Will Come Out at Roxridge LCX CGC BCAT CAA
on black photos by Steve Moore Photography
Emma lives next door to us with our good friend Cindy. She also passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen test while in Portland. Emma is every bit her Mother's daughter - good looks, hunting instinct, prey drive - oh my!
Field news: Emma is a multiple Best in Field lure courser and is now an LCX!
Field news: Emma is a multiple Best in Field lure courser and is now an LCX!
Emma getting her Best In Field award
Janice and Emma at Woofstock
CH Orangewood’s The Ginger Man SC CAX DCAT FITB FDC ATT
Finn lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with Kelly. A conformation Champion, he is now pursuing land and water activities. Lure coursing, Fastcat, swimming, scent classes and will soon start his Therapy Dog classes! Looking ahead to new Fastcat and Cat titles!
Finn was bred to Cricket in 2021. Cricket whelped 14 puppies, 11 of them livernose like their papa! Livernose puppy Jellie loves Fastcats and Cats just like both her parents and she will be hitting the show ring in March 2023
Cricket is
Ch Intrigue's Summer Of Love BN RN JC NJP CAA DCAT ACT1 CGCA TKI
Finn was bred to Cricket in 2021. Cricket whelped 14 puppies, 11 of them livernose like their papa! Livernose puppy Jellie loves Fastcats and Cats just like both her parents and she will be hitting the show ring in March 2023
Cricket is
Ch Intrigue's Summer Of Love BN RN JC NJP CAA DCAT ACT1 CGCA TKI
New Champion Finn!
Get ready, Get set .....
Water Dog Finn 💦