DEFINED photo credit: Lexi Moore
From the ASFA website:
What is Lure Coursing?
Sighthound breeds have an overpowering instinct to chase. Lure coursing presents an opportunity for them to chase a lure just for their own pleasure. Between 500 and 1000 yards in length, sometimes longer, the course is designed by placing small pulleys around a field in a pattern meant to resemble the route prey might take when pursued by hounds. Usually a continuous loop of braided string is pulled around the pulleys by a wheel attached to a motor, and the lure itself is a piece of plastic. An experienced lure operator can control the lure so as to simulate escaping game. Since 1972, clubs associated with the American Sighthound Field Association have provided the joy of the chase to thousands of sighthounds
How do I start my sighthound?
First you must practice your hound to make certain it is interested in chasing the lure. Once experienced observers have assured you that your hound is very keen, not merely mildly interested, your hound is ready to practice with another hound. If this test is also passed, then your hound is ready for certification, provided it is at least eleven months of age.
To pass certification your hound must run a course with another sighthound of the same breed, or one with a similar running style, and this must be observed by a regularly licensed ASFA judge. Unless your hound already has another qualifying coursing/racing title, an ASFA certification form must be signed by the judge and a copy must be submitted when you enter your hound in a trial for the first time. The original should be retained in your records.
In addition to traditional AKC lure coursing, AKC now offers CAT and Fast Cat coursing. Both are open to all breeds (not only sighthounds) and also mixed breeds. CATS stands for coursing ability test and uses a course much like a traditional lure coursing set up except shorter in length. Dogs run as singles. Fast Cats is a straight line course and the dogs speed is clocked electronically. Dogs run as singles. Dogs can earn titles in both!